To register for a PAN (Permanent Account Number) in India, follow these steps. PAN is a unique identifier issued by the Income Tax Department for individuals, businesses, and entities.

Documents Required

Proof of Identity: Aadhaar card, voter ID, passport, etc.

Proof of Address: Utility bill, bank statement, passport, etc.

Proof of Date of Birth: Birth certificate, passport, or school leaving certificate.

Passport-sized photograph.

To register for a PAN, follow these steps:

Online PAN Registration (via NSDL or UTIITSL)

Visit the NSDL PAN website:

Click on "Apply for PAN" under the PAN section.

Select the option "New PAN - Individual" (or appropriate option for your category).

Choose the correct application form

Form 49A for Indian citizens.

Form 49AA for foreign citizens.

Fill in the required details

Make payment for the application (can be done via net banking, debit/credit card).

Submit the application, and you will receive an acknowledgment number.